Pink ash on 40% Gray hair

Pink ash on 40% Gray hair

Aren't you tired of the monthly dye hair?

We Suggest

Using your grey hair to be your hair colour design 

even after a month your gray hair isn't obvious 

  1. オーバーセクション 12toneアッシ、にピンクを 9/1
  2. アンダーセクション  ピュアピンク

  1. overseaction 12tone ash with pink  9/1
  2. undersection  pure pink


For bookings, kindly drop us a PM on our Facebook Page or 
call us up: 03-7960 0140

C-25-01, Ground Floor, Block C,
32 Square, Jalan 19/1,
46300 Petaling Jaya.

#AirWavePerm #DaisukeSalon


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